Join MiSo Bio. at SupplySide West 2023!

Aug 31, 2023

SupplySide West and Food ingredients North America 2023

So excited to announce thatMiSo team will be exhibiting this year at SupplySide West and Food ingredients North America 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

If youwant to meet new opportunities on CBD, functional food supplements, skincare and healthcare ingredients,thencome to MiSo Booth #6665.

About MiSo:

Hunan MiSo Biosciences Co., Ltd. is a company offering natural and scientific solutions for human healthand sustainable development. CBD materials are the core of MiSo Bio. This is on the bases ofourthousandshectaresindustrial hemp planting bases, 40000 square meters’ workshop and the GMP standards production principle. And all these also guaranteeour CBD global supply capacity.

At the same time, we are seeking the harmonious integration of science and nature. MiSo team is exploringscientifichealth food ingredients fromnatural medical functional plants step by step, such as Ginseng, Tongkat Ali, Sennae leaf, andnmn. MiSo Bio aims to offer solutions that can drive improvements in human health and healthcare.

Why Attend?

If you want to meet a strategy opportunities in innovation plant ingredients, this is a best time!

Embracing the strategy of driving global business economy by finished products, SupplySide West gather thousands of quality suppliers, specialists and expertsin the regionfrom the throughout industry focusing on Health and nutritional supplements, ingredients and services for food and beverage products.

From the natural plantingredientsto functional food and beverage ingredients, skincare ingredients , and healthcare ingredients, MiSo team offer natural and quality solutions to meet clients preference. Learn more about MiSo team and MiSo capabilities, and how we can work together.

Join us in 2023to make a wonderful connect andtalking about the industry forward.

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